US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter


No events for 29 days!
Urgent Maintenance on FTP Server
2 Affected Services:
No events for about 2 months! Issue
6 Affected Services:
No events for 18 days!
Intermittent Power BI Refresh Issue
6 Affected Services:
No events for 2 months!
February 2024
7 Affected Services:
No events for about 2 months!
FTP Network Maintenance
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
No events for 11 days!
Network Issue
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
No events for 3 days!
Issue with PowerBI Report Farm
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
Customer Success Center login issue
6 Affected Services:
No events for 11 days!
Infrastructure Maintenance
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
No events for 14 days!
Infrastructure Maintenance
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
Report Farm Maintenance - US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
No events for about 2 months!
September 2023 Odata Refresh Issue
5 Affected Services:
No events for 9 days!
Issues with Portfolio Cross Product Integrations
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
Planview Incident Alert
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
No events for 9 days!
Network issue in the US Datacenter
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter
FTP outage : site is not working
Portfolios/Enterprise Architecture / US - Portfolios/EA Austin Datacenter