September 2023 Odata Refresh Issue

Termo aditivo

A permanent fix to the oData service where Datasets are not returning data after a second refresh will be deployed to customers on the September 2023 release. The fix will address the extended oData refresh times. There will be no application downtime, but a brief interruption to oData is anticipated. Customers who have already submitted a support case will be notified via their ticket when the action has been completed. No further action is required from customers.

Thank You,
Cloud Operations


We identified an issue in OData service on the September 2023 Release where Datasets are not returning data after a second refresh. A temporary fix has been identified and is being applied to customers on the September release, this temporary fix might extend the time it takes to complete OData refreshes. We are actively working on a permanent fix. If you encounter any issues with OData refreshes please submit a support case at

Thank You,
Cloud Operations

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